''Virtua Fighter 5, the world-renowned fighting game, now features online gameplay. VF5 also lets you download replay data of top players from its online leaderboards, and includes the latest updates to game balance, in-game items, and CPU rival character AI. Experience the fun now in this downloadable demo.''
The demo does not feature online play however, so how well that works remains to be seen.
VF5 Demo Up On XBL
Sweetz, thanks.VF5 Demo Up On XBL
How big is it?I'm downloading it tonight. Great barrage of demos from Live these last days. :)
Wow I forgot about this game coming out at the end of the month, this month the library of gamesis killing my wallet so I'll have to wait after the holiday b/c I want to get this game with the arcade stick. VF5 being technical as it is=/ 360 dpad.
[QUOTE=''SteelAttack'']How big is it?I'm downloading it tonight. Great barrage of demos from Live these last days. :)[/QUOTE]
It is around 675MB. I'll check it out tonight as well, but I have a sneaky suspicion that I will suck at it even worse than I do on the PS3, due to the d-pad.
Thats great. I want to get it tonight but my friend bought a keg and wants me to help him finish it. What an inconsiderate jerk.
[QUOTE=''marty_81'']Thats great. I want to get it tonight but my friend bought a keg and wants me to help him finish it. What an inconsiderate jerk.[/QUOTE]:lol:I'm downloading it now, but I'll probably suck until I can get a stick. Hell, even if I get a stick I'll still probably be awful. :P
[QUOTE=''marty_81'']Thats great. I want to get it tonight but my friend bought a keg and wants me to help him finish it. What an inconsiderate jerk.[/QUOTE]lolDude if you need help just send it to me with overnight shipping :lol:
Rag, any more details like the number of playable characters and or modes available in this demo, btw your avatars have been consistently hilarious.
[QUOTE=''HiResDes'']Rag, any more details like the number of playable characters and or modes available in this demo, btw your avatars have been consistently hilarious.[/QUOTE]Hush...this one is actually him. :P
[QUOTE=''HiResDes'']Rag, any more details like the number of playable characters and or modes available in this demo, btw your avatars have been consistently hilarious.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I liked the king's crotch one, but it was lo-res and small. I don't know how many characters are playable, as I am posting from work, but I just asked over in the NeoGAF thread, so I should have an answer by the time I'm done writing this message.
Edit: 4, the answer is 4 playable characters... I know that El Blaze and Eileen are in it, but the other two remain a mystery.
[QUOTE=''SteelAttack''][QUOTE=''HiResDes'']Rag, any more details like the number of playable characters and or modes available in this demo, btw your avatars have been consistently hilarious.[/QUOTE]Hush...this one is actually him. :P[/QUOTE]
I was going to act like it was actually a picture of me, and then I was going to get all indignant and storm off, and then you posted this and stole my joke. Jerk.
[QUOTE=''rragnaar''][QUOTE=''SteelAttack''][QUOTE=''HiResDes'']Rag, any more details like the number of playable characters and or modes available in this demo, btw your avatars have been consistently hilarious.[/QUOTE]Hush...this one is actually him. :P[/QUOTE]
I was going to act like it was actually a picture of me, and then I was going to get all indignant and storm off, and then you posted this and stole my joke. Jerk.[/QUOTE]:lol: You can always say that the crotch is actually yours.
[QUOTE=''SteelAttack'']:lol: You can always say that the crotch is actually yours. [/QUOTE]
I stole the purple pants, but the crotch was all me.
I just played a bit of the demo. Arcade and Vs. modes are open. There are 4 playable characters, Akira and El Blaze along with two girls. I only played through with Akira and El Blaze so I don't know their names. :P Arcade mode only lets you play through 3 stages and its insanely easy.Edit: Eileen and Sarah Bryant are the other two characters, I just booted the game back up. :)
[QUOTE=''rragnaar'']VF5 also lets you download replay data of top players from its online leaderboards[/QUOTE] So now we can see footage of the world's most well-known irrelevant players to spread misinformation about high-level play. Excellent.
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