Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chairborne-Stillborn? Very Poor game

I have written to people from Maximum PC, PCGamer magazine and a bunch of clans as well whom I know are pretty unhappy about this whole thing and EA avoiding the questions regarding EA's refund policy, poor customer service and support. Releasing a product that was more like a beta project than a finished game. I have attached a list of major fixes with this email. Seems like an awful lot of fixes that should have been taken care of PRIOR to game release. I have also written to and filed a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau and to Marc Saltzman who wrote the article in USA today to review the game again paying more attention to the Multiplayer aspect of the game.

Why did EA knowingly and willingly release this game MOH Airborne without the game being anywhere near completion? Many feel this is fraudulent and should be reported to the Better Business Bureau as I have already done as of today Tuesday October 9th 2007.

Attached is a file that contains the major issues with the game. Blackhat responded to this list with the comment...''Feel compelled to add that while this is a great, compiled and concise list, that doesn't mean we can necessarily do everything on this list. There are always resource, hardware, and software limitations to consider. Far too often those sorts of things are forgotten.'' this is avoidance of the the questions.

Many companies like EA games are taking advantage of the consumers short term memory because there is no legitimate way of regulating such practices and quality control. In some industries that's called a ''Turn and Burn''. Which enables companies like EA to take advantage of the consumer through hype of reviews and advertising agencies seemingly under the influence of EA games allowing them to make money in the tens of millions, bordering on extortion.

Right now a petition has been started against EA and the list is growing.

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