Sunday, April 11, 2010

What classic FPSs do you think can work great on the DS?

If the DS can do this:Metroid Prime Hunters...than I bet it can do these:1. Half Life2. Halo: Combat Evolved3.Goldeneye644. Perfect Dark 5. No One Lives Forever6. Deus Ex7. Call of Duty8. Quake 9. Return to Caslte Wolfenstein10. Medal of Honor Allied Assault11. Unreal Tournament12. Time Splitters 213. Aliens versus Predator14. System Shock 215. Red FactionI'm sure there's a lot more that I didn't list, but just wondering what everyone else thinks? I know that these games will never be ported to the DS, but just wanted to see if anyone else agrees that the DS could probably handle these titles.It'd be kind of cool to see these games on the DS. I think the touch screen works perfectly as Metroid Prime Hunters proves. But my topic is about which clas-sic FPSs would work great on the DS if ported over? These are the ones I could think of that can work well. I think graphically, the DS can pull it off and the games still hold up today so I think as a selling point, it wouldn't feel dated too much.What classic FPSs do you think can work great on the DS?
I don't think I'd ever want to play an FPS on a DS. The ideal platform for an FPS game is anything else than a portable. No mouse; no analog stick. Uh - forget it.What classic FPSs do you think can work great on the DS?
well halo already was possible on ds bad it was cancelled....half life would also be pretty cool
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
i would rahter see the games remade for the psp, but i dont like psp controls either.
[QUOTE=''doubutsuteki'']I don't think I'd ever want to play an FPS on a DS. The ideal platform for an FPS game is anything else than a portable. No mouse; no analog stick. Uh - forget it.[/QUOTE]You've obviously never played Metroid Prime Hunters. You hold the stylus on the screen and it acts as a center point for you camera. You move, it moves. It works just like a mouse. I've never been a fan of Metroid and I quite enjoyed this game.
[QUOTE=''MrDziekuje''][QUOTE=''doubutsuteki'']I don't think I'd ever want to play an FPS on a DS. The ideal platform for an FPS game is anything else than a portable. No mouse; no analog stick. Uh - forget it.[/QUOTE]You've obviously never played Metroid Prime Hunters. You hold the stylus on the screen and it acts as a center point for you camera. You move, it moves. It works just like a mouse. I've never been a fan of Metroid and I quite enjoyed this game.[/QUOTE]Correct. I never played Metroid Prime Hunters.
[QUOTE=''EmptySki'']i would rahter see the games remade for the psp, but i dont like psp controls either.[/QUOTE]I'd rather not see games remade at all. New games FTW.FPSs can be good on the DS, let's have more of them.

After falling victim to the Metroid Claw, I will never play a FPS on the DS again. Having said that, I think it would be cool to see some classic FPS games such as Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem 3D,Wolfenstein 3D, or Doom.
Ugh. Seriously guys I recently finished Hunters (like no more than 2-3 weeks ago), and the idea of playing another Stylus+D-Pad-controlled FPS on the DS makes me wanna favor my hands as I type this. So often I had to stop and put the DS down while playing that games because my hands litterally cramped to the point where it became painful. I wanted so much to finish the game A.S.A.P. so that I could:1. Put an end to the torture on my hands. Those boss and hunter battles were painful...litterally...2. Put an end to the tortues of my DS' D-Pad and left shoulder button. It seriously felt like I was wearing the thing out.Seriously, if thats the kind of control i'd have to put up with in order to achieve at least somewhat mouse-like aiming thanks.
[QUOTE=''EmptySki'']i would rahter see the games remade for the psp, but i dont like psp controls either.[/QUOTE]As badly as I just criticized Hunters' control. After playing Fireteam Bravo, PSP control is even worse with this genre.
Screw ports, make a ground up sequel to some of those games for the DS.
I'd like to see Rise of the Triad on DS. :)
I find First Person Shooters on handheld to be terrible. Generally its best to play most of them on PC. Portable shooters really aren't my idea of fun. Especially with the nub on the PSP and cramping stylus-styIe on the DS.

Handhelds are meant for games that can be played on the run, like music or puzzle games.
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