Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feelings of the Wii line-up from launch to present. What do you think?

After paying $250 and searching everywhere to find the system, playing Zelda, you get bored so you look at the games being announced for it. Well behold here they are. WTF is this? I just spent my hard earn money for 3 ports (one that's just pathetic) and a Sonic game? I mean yes SSX was love it or hate it and Sonic was decent, but seriously this is it?Okay these can't be ALL the games coming out for the system let me see more. WTF is this? Is this a gaming system or some Tiger Electronics crud a brought at Toy's R' US. I mean seirously these games aren't even full games, but mini-games and....I don't even know what Boogie is but it's probably as good as the name. Seriously if every system had a line-up like this it would cause a second no no scratch that that's completely ridiculous, the horsemen would be too scared of a place where crap like this is allowed release. A few months later.Finally after all those garbage games something good comes out. Beats the game .*Looks at third party line-up* WTF I own all these games. I mean sure they may be slightly better then the games that came before, but I'm still getting the same damn game I have already.Hold on what's this? I don't know what's more shocking, the fact that a sequel has finally been made or that there is a game coming out for this PoS machine that I'd actually pay for and isn't made by Nintendo.Whatever this seriously sucks there are like barely any good no screw that decent games for this system. Hmm what's this.....Virtual Console......hmm there's Bonk....Sonic.......MARIO! HELL YEAH!One Month later.*Looks at third party line-up* Okay well finally we're starting to see some real progress.....but that isn't really saying anything since the line up was crap before. Okay well it's great to see that I'm not getting the same exact damn game over again with tweaked controls, though techinically Rygar is sorta a remake and Resident Evil 4 is a port, but it's Resident Evil 4 so who cares.Soul Caliber Legends, seriosuly I would much prefer Soul Caliber 4 instead of this spin-off garbage, I can't believe they turned Umbrella Chronicles into a damn light gun game.....well judging from the games that sell on this thing the old one would've floped too bad Resident Evil 4 port will probably do the same, anyway, Opoona looks like if the Teletubbies and the hookers from my red light district got together, had kids and dropped them off on a planet in outer space created by Kurt Russells phantasic dreams. Seriously the line-ups looking a BETTER but that really isn't saying much is it.Wait what's this? Wow a puzzle/adventure game that utilizes the Wii's controls? Count me in. *looks on the internet*Hmm....this so called ''Project O'' game looks interesting.Congratulations Wii you know have the amount of games coming out for the system not made by Nintendo up to 3! Now what am I going to play? *Sigh* More Virtual Console games it is.A few months later...after E3 Geezus what happened, now THIS is what I'm talking about. Glad to see me rebuying Trauma Center paid off, I'm getting not only a sequel to an awesome game but an exclusive as well, Symphonia 2 is also coming and I'm excited for it, and Nitrobike actually looks like a redeemer for Ubish-I mean soft.Well I guess I'll keep playing the VC. *Sigh*Few months laterYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beats game, currently present day.*Looks at third party line-up* The spritual sequel to Odin Sphere? A sequel to Samba de' Amigo? A ground up Fatal Frame?Project O I- I mean King's Story actually looks innovative and awesome? With all of them built ground up for the system. These games look........awesome.Not only that but announcements of Treasure and other awesome developers working with the system?Well I never thought I'd say this but......I'm starting be glad I brought this thing.So do you agree with me? If not what are your feelings of it's progress?Feelings of the Wii line-up from launch to present. What do you think?
Nice post.My opinion is that the line up started out weak, and is still presently weak. But there are a large number of games coming out within the next year that have got me excited.The future is just brighter and brighter for the Wii.My Wii's still collecting dust, but it looks like that's gonna be changing soon. Feelings of the Wii line-up from launch to present. What do you think?
I guess you've been camping out in my mind. That excellent post explains my evolution of thought on the Wii exactly. Got one at launch, it sat unused forever and now I consider it an essential possesion. Trauma Center and RE4 cemented that in place.Would I want it to be my only system? No, but it is an essential part of a healty console player's diet.
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All I've bought so far is Metroid 3 and Twilight Princess.I'll play these while I wait for Galaxy.And then Brawl and Mario Kart will keep me busy while I wait for something else.If nothing else comes those 2 should keep me busy easily online.
[QUOTE=''aspro73'']I guess you've been camping out in my mind. That excellent post explains my evolution of thought on the Wii exactly. Got one at launch, it sat unused forever and now I consider it an essential possesion. Trauma Center and RE4 cemented that in place.Would I want it to be my only system? No, but it is an essential part of a healty console player's diet.[/QUOTE]

I agree with both you and the topic creator, I was pretty pissed by the crappy games up until recently, I also wouldnt want this to be my ownly system- but every month I get more and more proud to be a Wii owner. So far I have RE4, SPM, Zelda, Trauma Center and Metroid Prime 3 which are all fantastic games that I highly reccomend. Upcoming we are getting Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, Fire Emblem, Manhunt 2...!! Good stuff Wii :)

Oh and the virtual console is completly awesome.
I still remember when the line-up looked so piss poor that people actually thought that it was going to ''kill'' quality gaming. :lol:
Right now the quality of games I have on the Wii is insane. Sure they maybe ports of GC games but I still have two of my all time favorite games Zelda: TP and RE4. Just recently MP3 joined my favorites of all time list and I have a feeling Galaxy will be up there as well. Super Paper Mario was great, Sonic was good, TC is good as well, Elebits is a whole lot of fun, those are the games I have played. With Mario Galaxy and Smash hitting, the system is getting two more GOTY contenders. Plus there is great fan service games like RE: UC and Nights 2 hitting, hopefully they turn out good. Zack and Wiki looks great, FE is going to be awesome, Mario Kart should be terrific as well, so there is plenty more on the way. Plus the VC is the greatest thing ever put on a game console.My only real issue is with what Nintendo will be doing beyond this holiday season, they just used up all their big franchises. Other than that I am very pleased with the Wii.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption made it all worth it. Umbrella Chronicles, No More Heroes, Oboro Muramasa Youtouden and Fatal Frame IV are just icing on the cake.
There's also the Virtual Console.Seriously ''Sin %26 Punishment'' came out of nowhere. I'm having more fun with that game then the majority of games I've played in the past couple years.As for me I'm very excited about Oboruo Muramasa Youtoden. I know some people didn't like it but Odin Sphere is one of my favorite games of all-time and the fact that spritual sequel is coming out for it is awesome!Second would be Zack and Wiki, it's pure hardcore adventure gaming 101.Third would be No More Heroes, I could've mentioned it in my OP but I wanted it to seem more how do I saw ''hopeless'' in the begining. :P
Yah the line up for the sophmore year of the Wii is looking pretty sweet! I guess I am a patient guy who doesn't expect amazing great games to come out for the Wii in the first year and I am stoked the Wii is finally going to deliver in actually software besides the VC which is what I have been playing after I beat MP3 and TP. Zack and Wiki on October 23rd then Fire Emblem on November 5th. Once that hits the games will keep rolling in for the next2-3 years of awesome gaming!
The early days of a console are always a little rough around the edges but after a while you see some high quality stuff. I can't wait to play Zack and Wiki. Easily a sleeper hit for the wii. Mario Galaxy will be huge as well.
Well, I seem to be the party-pooper here.In regards to the Wii, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone except for the most die-hard Nintendo fans. Frankly, the games that are announced for the system just don't look satisfying to me. In fact, they actually look dated to me- not just graphically, but in design. I suppose a better way to put it would be this: when you look at the upcoming season of PS3/PC/360 games, a lot of those games seem like massive steps in terms of interactivity and immersion. The Wii, due to its power, just couldn't do it ever. So it has motion sensing controls to fall back on.....but I haven't seen or played a game that makes dual-analog feel backwards and dated. Until I see those kinds of games coming out, I'm not going to be excited for very much on the Wii.
At first I thought your post was trolling, but after reading it, you almost convinced me to buy a Wii right now at my 24hr Wal-Mart! Of course they have none in stock. :PBut good post! I think you're right that the Wii is getting quality games now. It reminds me very much like the way the DS started out. And to be honest, comparing the DS with the PSP, reminds me very much like the Wii and the PS3's path. Very similar.The Wii library is essentially the DS's big brother. They're very similar, and that's a good sign. I love my DS and the games so I bet I'll love the Wii as well. I'll get one soon, maybe not this year but next year...Smash Bros. has been tempting big time to finally pick the Wii up.
Great post, I think given the time it's had the Wii is doing alright in the games department. By '08 the Wii will have plenty of great games.
Great post, I think you were a little harsh in some cases, games like warioware and Elebits deserve recognition and there are alot of people who enjoyed the likes of red steel and raving rabbids too. Trauma center was great, paper mario too. Then there were the likes of mario strikers charged and sonic. This christmas is getting a huge influx of quality gaming and niche delights, Endless ocean looks great, between now and early next you have have the massive nintendo franchises too. The library is getting fleshed out, but overall I wasn't satisfied with my collection until 7 months after the wii launched when elebits came out.
[QUOTE=''Conjuration'']Nice post.My opinion is that the line up started out weak, and is still presently weak. But there are a large number of games coming out within the next year that have got me excited.The future is just brighter and brighter for the Wii.My Wii's still collecting dust, but it looks like that's gonna be changing soon. [/QUOTE]

Totally agree with this guy!

My Wii is collecting dust but it may well be time to break out my feather duster and start using the Wii!!
My Wii is currently called ''the youtube thing'' by my mates. We are having occasional fun on it, but I never, ever play alone. Still waiting for Metroid 3 over here, and Trauma Center, believe it or not has only just been released. Looking at future releases, I can only see myself playing Nintendo releases, SMG first and foremost, withonly a fewnotable exceptions. I suppose if I only owned a Wii, I would find more things to play.
[QUOTE=''gaminggeek'']Great post, I think you were a little harsh in some cases, games like warioware and Elebits deserve recognition and there are alot of people who enjoyed the likes of red steel and raving rabbids too. Trauma center was great, paper mario too. Then there were the likes of mario strikers charged and sonic. This christmas is getting a huge influx of quality gaming and niche delights, Endless ocean looks great, between now and early next you have have the massive nintendo franchises too. The library is getting fleshed out, but overall I wasn't satisfied with my collection until 7 months after the wii launched when elebits came out. [/QUOTE]I mostly agree with this man.The original post also needs ... errrmm ... more ... ''No more Heroes''.Also, NoPAL, trauma center was released in europe in august
Pretty much horrible, unless you really love Nintnedo there just isn't anything worth buying. I don't think much of this year line-up either. It doesn't help that it feels like I'm plyaing last gen games evertime I pick one up and the motion control is almost never particularily fun to use. Honestly, I cannot fathom why people continue to buy the system en masse given its current state.Sorry I can't be more positive, that's just the way I feel.

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